What to Ask a Roofing Contractor?

 Knowing what to ask a roofer is not simple. If you are unfamiliar with the industry, contacting businesses is daunting. A roof repair Cambridge is essential for any house that has a damaged roof. The most common causes of repairs are storms, animals, or age. With this said, roofing contractors Cambridge need details on phone calls. If you contact our team, we help troubleshoot over the phone. This way, we have an idea of what service you need. Ask the roofers about any information they need to ensure the job is fixed.

How Do I Prepare for the Roofing Job?

A roofing job is an intimidating experience and is hard to prepare for. Depending on the job, the selected roofing company Cambridge team provides everything. The job of the homeowner is to identify the problems occurring with detail. The roofers at PinkStar Roofing Co LLC have plenty of experience. With that said, the homeowner should come forward with anything irregular they noticed. Also, ensuring their attic is accessible is important. If the roof is leaking, out team needs to access the attic for inspections. The attic is where the buildup of mold occurs. Depending on the severity of the roof damage, removing any furniture may be required


Our Suggestions to Better Prepare:


· Ensure the attic is accessible

· Move cars or outside valuables away from roof

· Relocate furniture away from roofing damage area of home

· Provide team with pictures of damage

· Send pictures of shingles or specific material required

· Let us know about any obstacles near or around the roof.

Contact Details

Business Name: PinkStar Roofing Co. LLC

Timing: Monday – Sunday (6:00-22:00)

Contact: 647-694-6706

Email: info@pinkstarroofing.ca


There are many factors that influence a roofing contractors work. To make the job as efficient as possible, follow the above suggestions. This way, our team prepares for the task at hand in the best way possible. Especially if the job is an emergency roofing service Cambridge, send us all the details. It's best for us to have an exact idea of what materials and services are required. At PinkStar Roofing Co, our pricing scheme is appropriate for the workmanship provided. If you need roofing services, give us a call at 647-694-6706.


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